A successful pipeline treating program is the direct result of quality of the products and services provided and the skill used in their application. At Endura, we control product quality from start to finish, we are completely committed to service, and we continuously train toward mastery of the skills necessary to lead our industry.
Our quality control and quality assurance program starts long before your product is manufactured. Our laboratory staff performs detailed analytical analysis of every raw material delivered to our plant to assure that it conforms to quality standards. They test for every application variable, from clarity, specific gravity, and pH to infrared spectrographic profile. Only those materials that pass our rigorous testing are accepted into our extensive inventory for use in one of our many manufactured or blended products. The only way to guarantee a consistent finished product is to control the quality of the raw materials used in its manufacture.
Qualified and accepted raw materials are blended or reacted in one of the cleanest and most organized production facilities in the industry. Every vat, pump, and hose is thoroughly cleaned between manufacturing operations to insure quality results without cross-contamination from the previous operation. Product batches are manufactured using gravimetric formulations to meet the highest standards of accuracy. Each manufactured batch must pass through a series of assurance programs insures that our label will never appear on a product that we are not proud to offer our customers.

Every batch of qualified finished product is labeled and documented according to applicable regulation and safety requirements. Material Safety Data Sheets (“MSDS”) are attached to the bulk containers in the field. Weather worn labels and out of date MSDS sheets are promptly replaced in order to provide the highest level of safety compliance.

All our field service representatives are involved in the maintenance of on-site installation of our product. They are trained and experienced in the installation and repair of all the equipment needed for continuous injection, batch treatments and atomization of our products in pipeline applications. They maintain on-site product inventories and will maintain bulk tanks, drums, and other storage vessels in a clean and workable condition or they will have the container replaced.

On-site maintenance by our field service representatives includes the frequent monitoring and recording of data regarding chemical volume delivered, rate accuracy and rate adjustments. Minor in-field maintenance and repair of chemical pumps, including cleaning and O-ring replacement, is performed at no additional charge. More involved repairs, including parts replacement, will be performed at a minimum cost. If necessary, a pump will be disconnected and forwarded to our repair shop. If a pump cannot be restored to service within 24-36 hours, a loaner pump will be installed to that specific location with no additional repair charges until repair or replacement can be implemented.

Our pump shop can repair, maintain, or replace pumps and have them quickly operating as new or better. We are factory certified by major pump manufacturers and are often able to return a pump to service more quickly and economically than through returning a pump to the manufacturer or through replacement. We stock authorized repair parts, replacement housing and valves for most major manufacturer brands. We also, offer custom fabrication capabilities to modify existing pumps for unique applications.


In addition to on-site maintenance, Endura’s field service representative collect samples and monitor corrosion coupons, maintain on-site inventories and prepare sample analysis forms in order to provide the necessary documentation for our technical laboratory to recommend the most economical and effective treatment program for each unique situation.

Working together with an experienced field service representative, our technical laboratory staff is an important and powerful asset in providing economical and effective solutions to our customers’ chemical treatment needs. Our laboratory staff is equipped and proficient in the techniques of performing mineral pattern analyses of water, amine and phosphate; residual testing; solids identification; failure analysis; demulsification of oil; paraffin evaluation; pour point analyses; scale precipitation for product selection and development; microbiological detection; dissolved oxygen saturation testing; corrosion coupon evaluation; membrane filter analyses; and oil in water content analyses. On average, the results of these analyses will be presented to your field and management personnel within three to seven days. However, certain results can be reported in a matter of a few hours. Rapid, accurate and dependable analytical testing provides the basis for economical and effective treatment.


An effective chemical treatment program requires the collection of certain samples on an ongoing and scheduled basis. These samples provide for the early detection and rapid response necessary to avoid costly failures. Therefore, Endura performs a series of scheduled sampling and analysis procedures. These include bacteriological and coupon analyses.

Our technical department issues timely recommendations on an as-needed basis regarding trend analysis and identification of failure mechanisms. Additionally, and upon request, our pipeline failure analyses are archived with digital photos.

Analytical testing is performed in accordance with industry standards and specifications and is normally available within five days. Critical analysis can, when required, be performed within 24 hours.


In order to continue to evaluate and modify an effective corrosion treating program it is necessary that we obtain from our customers specific data. This data includes monthly oil volumes, failure data, past treating programs (standard or experimental), pigging program parameters, and pigging samples.
All analytical reports and analyses are prepared and stored in Endura’s computerized database. This readily allows for the summarization and reporting of treatment and analysis data in support of a pipeline customer undergoing a DOT audit. The types of reporting available include coupon analyses, failure analyses, and chemical injection rates.


Safety is a priority and a commitment at Endura Products Corporation. Our safety program is designed to meet the requirements established by the Department of Transportation (DOT), the Environmental Protection Act (EPA), and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

We are committed to a role of leadership and compliance in all facets of our service operations. Endura considers safety and environmental compliance a prerequisite to commercial success, and our company strives to insure the integrity and safety of the community and employees by ensuring the conduct of safe operations. Endura promotes a proactive culture toward regulatory compliance. Endura’s employees are encouraged to strive for excellence in the areas of environmental, health and safety compliance. Endura’s focus is on the use of scientific and engineering principles used to manage risks that may arise from our service operations.

The equipment owned and operated by Endura Products Corp. is designed and operated to mitigate the potential for any adverse health or environmental impact.

All vehicles are DOT inspected in accordance with state and federal law and display proper placards and labels. These top of the line vehicles are completely equipped in order to provide an excellent product and safe service to the customer. Each vehicle is equipped with mobile communication, fire extinguisher, first aid/snake bite kits, Emergency Response Guidebook, and Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulation Pocketbook. Hazardous material labels and map books are present in each vehicle. No firearms, drug or alcohol are permitted in company vehicles at any time. Endura’s field representatives are provided with top-of-the-line vehicles and equipment and pride themselves on the condition and appearance of their vehicles and tools necessary to perform their daily duties.

Regular, thorough, documented inspections of Endura facilities are performed by our in-house Environmental, Safety, and Health Coordinator. Supervisors routinely inspect vehicles assuring that the vehicle is in safe working condition and properly equipped.

Personal protective equipment including hard hats, safety glasses, steel toed boots and H2S monitoring device, face shields, protective clothing, gloves, and support belts are required for use by our employees. The equipment also includes special emergency response and escape equipment needed to respond to certain hazards.

Endura Products Corp. is also a member of the ISNetworld tracking systems, PEC premier and OQSG (Operator Qualifications Solutions Group) Pipeline treating qualifications.


In addition to ongoing safety training, Endura’s personnel and customers, receive training in Endura’s advanced technology training facility. Endura’s new state of the art training facility is second to none and we are constantly striving to improve. Endura’s training facility provides required OHSA training courses, and also training on non-required courses. Endura also provides training for the HazMat transportation Regulations (HM 181 and HM 126f) as part of our ongoing annual training. Endura’s staff is, also presented with monthly training opportunities to provide for their continued growth and development in the areas of job performance and job function.

At times our customers’ employees are invited to attend training sessions. Additional training dates can be established on an as-requested basis to meet the specific needs of your treatment program. These sessions are targeted toward enhancing your staff’s understanding of our products and their application as well as other available technologies that might offer increased effectiveness or economic benefit.

Guest speakers are often utilized to allow for a broader spectrum of expertise in training participation with regard to the technologies available. Student participation is encouraged and discussion often leads to innovative solutions to specific problems. The intent of our training center is to provide the on-going learning necessary for the safest, most economical and effective solutions to our customers production treating and pipeline chemical needs. Recent sessions have included training on the control and remediation of bacteriological contamination and management of pipeline pigging in coordination with an effective chemical treatment program.


A key factor in developing and maintaining a cost efficient and effective pipeline chemical treatment program is the level of communication between the chemical services vendor and the pipeline owner/operator. It is our belief that many costly failures could have been avoided if only more attention had been paid to more effective communication.

To accomplish the required level of communication, Endura seeks interaction with your staff on a multitude of levels. We want to have the opportunity to appropriately interact with and inform your Corrosion Managers, Engineers, Regional and District Managers, Corrosion Techs, Gaugers, and Pipeline Piggers, etc. about issues concerning your treatment program. We believe it is important that we interact with persons at each of the differing levels of authority and differing areas of expertise within your organization in order to develop strong lines of communication that can withstand the inevitable changes that occur when your staff changes through re-assignment, retirement, separation, or acquisition. Continuity is a very important aspect of communication.

Some ways in which we communicate with your staff are through the use of Injection Data Sheets and Service Reports. Injection Data Sheets have been developed and maintained to provide you with a current overview of each and every service point along your pipeline. The data includes each service point’s proper name; billing code; Longitude and Latitude; line diameter; line length; flow rate; pump run time; pump capacity; chemical pump rate; container size; product used; county and state. Service reports are prepared every time that one of our representatives in on location. These reports detail as-found and as-left conditions on chemical pump rates, volumes of product delivered, inventory on-hand, samples obtained, and any repairs or changes that were made to the on-site equipment.

Cost Summary Reports are prepared on a monthly basis which includes a detail of all delivered products by service point along with cost summary data by product, district, and region. These reports are delivered to and discussed with your field supervisors. These discussions include a review of problem locations, rate changes, treatment of tanks, and other technical aspects of your chemical treatment program as a whole. On an ongoing basis, Endura delivers to your Corrosion Manager the most recent data and again discussion is held regarding problems, rate changes, treatments needs, etc.